Sunday, 27 October 2013

Looking back on the good ol' days of boxes and dolls.

Recently,I've been to 4 local stores asking if they have any boxes they don't want.
My friend and I are making a box house.
I'm seriously so serious.
We have lately been so bored when I go to her house we be all like,
Yes we still play house ^_^
C'mon don't act like you didn't ever pretend to have a husband.
And I think we all had an argument that went something like this:
"Okay okay-you be the daddy and I'll be the mommy."
"NO!! I wanna be the Mommy!"
"But its MY doll baby!! I get to be the mommy!"
And that argument lasts forever.
And we all had that one doll we refuse to share because its OURS.
But yeah.
I need BOXES.
Like we drew blueprints and stuff.
We're gonna paint the outside house lime green,
My room is gonna be aqua
My friend's room is gonna be purple,
The kitchen is gonna be a light yellow,
and nursery is gonna be pink
We're also gonna furnish it,too.
Were going to buy a fake kitchen set of ebay.
We are gonna buy a little table.
Were going to buy some blankets and use them as beds.
We already have a cradle for the babies but I'm gonna buy another one.
As you can see this process will take forever.
And we don't have any boxes.
I also wrote a personal narrative on you guys and on my blog.
Stay beautiful Julicorns<3

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